Peter Marsh

High Resolution WRF Forecast

This is an operational 1km WRF downscaling of the GFS forecast. Run entirely from my personal computer and deployed as a python widget.

Weather Simulation

[Sorry the computer I was using to run this had a failure so this is no longer running (2022)]

To view the live version of the above screenshot please follow the link. ( - or copy this link and paste into your browser)

Please note this is a link to a private dashboard without a valid SSL certificate and as such your browser may display a warning. Further the site will be unavavailable during load shedding.

This WRF downscaling is initialised using the 18z GFS forecast and provides a 36 hour forecast from 7am to 6pm the following day. Updated forecasts are available from 6am daily. The background terrain has been created using a rayshading technique driven by the USGS STRM 30m global elevation data.